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Healthy Herbs - How Can We Do To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Lifestyle plays an important role in the year of the treatment of high blood pressure. If your blood pressure with a healthy lifestyle, can control from May to prevent, delay or reduce the need for medication. Today Anyone looking for ways to have high blood pressure control a variety of methods to choose from
1) prescription drugs -. This is far the most common control of high blood pressure. After diagnosis, your doctor can usually several kinds of drugs. It takes a unique approach to drugs. Considered depending on the severity of their blood pressure and his allergies and other medications is that they may be, he will prescribe the medication you think is best for you. Please note, however, that "This is not an exact science. If the drug shows little sign of effective or if you experience side effects, change the recipe ET May next appointment. The new drugs come onto the market all the time and find the right one for you is to check, especially on a trial and error. With a blood pressure machine, whether the drug works in real-time adds further information you can share with your doctor to find the best medication for you 2) changes in lifestyle -. Although heredity is a factor, of course, is whether you get a high blood pressure determines aware that their lifestyle as well as an effect of the year. On food, poor eating habits, snuff, alcohol, and other factors can increase blood pressure. The purpose of changing some of these decisions will affect Canadians also lower blood pressure. ask include changes -. Eat quit less salt in food, smoking, change the "bad fats" in your diet with good fats, and weight control These are things that you have all the direct control, which help control blood pressure can. high If you have mild high blood pressure can be avoided in a position that medications just by the changes in your lifestyle 3) take herbal -. Many people, not just hopeful that pharmaceutical companies look out for your best interest, we have a natural way of learning, want to be able to control high blood pressure . Thesis for the people, Herb is a natural choice. Many herbs such as hawthorn berry Tales, olive leaf, mistletoe and others have been used for decades in order to strengthen control the heart and blood pressure. take steps to learn order is to control high blood pressure is important for a number of reasons. Number one on the list is that after the American Association of heat shock for 1 in 3 adults in the country. It is directly or indirectly the cause of death of millions of people each year from diseases such as heart failure, stroke, congestive kidney, and others. One of the first things you should do is to buy the blood pressure machine at home that your blood pressure as an attempt to control various treatments. Inevitably some type of treatment works best, some people than others. In order to know which treatments work for you in any case, you have to be able to measure results. How can I prevent high blood pressure
You can prevent high blood pressure :.....
Maintain a healthy weight to lose weight if overweight Learn more exercise, eat foods low in salt Eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetable consumption of alcoholic beverages in moderation if you drink.
exchange is also recommended for the treatment of high blood pressure theories, although the medicine is taken as part of treatment
As the blood pressure is associated with weight
Given the increasing body weight gain, blood pressure. In fact, being overweight make you more likely to develop high blood pressure when you are at your ideal weight. About 60% of adults in the United States are overweight. You can reduce your risk for high blood pressure by losing weight. Even small amounts of weight loss can make a huge difference, to prevent and treat high blood pressure.
How can I lose weight
In order to lose weight you need fewer calories to burn than you eat. But not to go on a crash diet to see how you lose the pounds. healthier weight loss and long life happens when you slow it do lose 1 / 2 to 1 pound per week. By reducing 500 calories / day, eat less and exercise more, you can use a pound a week
lose Here are some tips on how to lose weight and get in the path to healthy eating: .. Choose foods low in calories and fat Of course, low food prices, select cuts calories calories did you know that the goal of choosing foods low in fat calories fat is a aussi court.? concentrated source of calories to eat to reduce less fatty food calories. Some examples of foods to reduce high levels of fat are butter, margarine, regular salad dressings, fatty meats, poultry skin, fried foods, whole milk dairy products like cheese, crackers, cakes and sandwiches . Choose foods high in starch and fiber . Food rich in starch and fiber, like fruits, vegetables, dried peas and beans and whole grains, pasta, rice and bread, good substitute for food high in fat. They are lower in calories than foods high in fat and good sources of vitamin and mineral content aussi. limit portion size. to lose weight is not only the type of food you eat that is important, aussi target amount. Less calories you eat, you have to limit the size of servings. Above all, try small portions of calorie-rich foods such as meat take-fat cheeses. And do not try to go back to seconds. Keep a food diary. Keep track of what you eat, when to eat and why, and notes. Consider whether to see high-fat snacks, TV, or if you skip breakfast and then eat a big meal. If you see your clothes, you can set goals for themselves. exercise. Another important component for weight loss is to consider physical activity to . Reducing fat and calories combined with the help of regular physical activity are more to lose weight and fit to eat in just less or exercise alone. exercise can increase blood pressure aussi lower.'ve physically active people to suffer a lower risk for high blood pressure than people who are not active. You have to be more like a marathon runner to benefit from physical activity. Even light activities, if one day can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away from the entrance so that to make more. walk Here are the changes lifestyle, you can do to lower your blood pressure and keep it down.
1 . lost Losing extra pounds and watch your waist
Often you will learn how blood pressure increases weight gain. The loss of just 10 pounds to lower blood pressure. In general, the more weight, lowers blood pressure. slimming aussi All medicines before measuring blood pressure more effectively. You and your doctor determines to go the target weight and the best Canadian way.
continue to lose many pounds, you also have the eyes to the year waist have. carrying around too much weight Canon waist is increased risk for high blood pressure overall: .. The men are at risk if your waist is larger than 40 inches (102 centimeters or inches) Women are at risk if large waist 35 inches (88 cm). Asian men are at risk if your waist is larger than 36 inches (90 cm). Asian women are at risk if your waist is bigger .. 32 inches (80 cm) 2 Exercise regularly
Regular physical activity - at least 30 to 60 minutes during the week - can lower blood pressure blood 4-9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) And do not take too long. to see the difference. If you do not have active Increasing your level of exercise can lower your blood pressure within just a few weeks to reduce.
If you pre-hypertension (systolic blood pressure 120-139 or diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89) exercise have, can you help to ensure that no full-fledged hypertension. If you can already have high blood pressure, regular physical activity lowers blood pressure to safer levels. your doctor Talk about the development of a training program. Your doctor may help you determine if you need any exercise restrictions. Even moderate activity for 10 minutes at a time, can help such as walking and light strength training. Purpose prevent a "weekend warrior." Trying to all of your exercise Squeeze over the weekend to compensate for the inactivity of the non-weekday is a good strategy. The sudden activity could be risky indeed. 3. Eat a healthy diet
Food a diet rich in what can be whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low in fat and sparing of saturated fat and cholesterol, blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg, this diet plan is known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH).
It is not easy Changing eating habits, drank thesis tips, you can take a healthy diet. Keep a food diary Write down what you eat, if only for one week, information marked on their can see the true eating habits. you know what you eat, how much, when and why the possibility of promoting qué.Considere potassium. from the potassium lowering effect of sodium on blood pressure. The best source of potassium is The food, like fruits and vegetables instead of supplements. Talk to your doctor about potassium level best to avoid for usted.Sea a smart shopper. Make a shopping list before heading to the supermarket pick up junk food . read ingredient lists when shopping and stick to your healthy eating plan, eat when you go, some también.Cortar Slack. Although the DASH diet is to eat a lifelong guide does not mean you have all foods you like hot. It's good, sometimes you do not enjoy the food you will find a DASH diet menu, like a bar of chocolate or mashed potatoes with gravy. 4. Reduce sodium in your diet
Even a small reduction of sodium in your diet can lower blood pressure 2-8 mm Hg healthy adults only need 1500-2400 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. By the way, if you have high blood pressure, the goal of less than 1,500 mg of sodium per dayTo reduce the sodium in your diet, consider the thesis Tips:..
Track amount of salt in your diet Keep a food diary to the amount sodium you eat and drink every estimate in día.Lea food labels. If possible, choose low-sodium alternatives for the purchase of food and beverages in general. Eat less processed foods . French fries, frozen foods, meat and bacon and sausages are high in salt sodio.No . Only one teaspoon of salt has 2,300 mg of sodium. Use herbs or spices instead of salt, more flavor, add to your food. ease into it. If you do not feel you can reduce the sodium in the diet suddenly drastically to reduce gradually. Your palate will adjust over time. 5, limit the amount of alcohol you drink
Alcohol can be good and bad for your health. In small quantities may decrease to the blood pressure of 2 to 4 mm Hg target loses this protective effect, if You drink too much alcohol -. normally more than one drink per day for women and more than two per day for men, too, if you normally do not drink alcohol, you should not start drinking as a way to lower blood pressure. There are more possible damage, the benefits of alcohol consumption.
drink if you have more than moderate amounts of alcohol can actually increase blood pressure by several points. It can also reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure medications. track their consumption behavior. Along with your food diary to keep daily alcohol for years track your true drinking habits. One drink 12 ounces (355 ml, or ml) of beer, 5 ounces of wine (148 ml) or 1.5 are a 80 oz brandy (45 ml). More if you drink the amount proposed to reduce consumption. decrease. If you are a heavy drinker, suddenly, it can actually lead to the elimination of alcohol all serious high blood pressure for several days. So, when you stop drinking you, you do so stable with the supervision of your physician or crumbs, more than one to two weeks drunk -. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or baked in a series -. can lead to avoid large and sudden increase in blood pressure and other health problems. 6th snuff products and secondhand smoke
in particular the dangers of smoking tobacco nicotine Other products to increase their blood pressure 10 mm Hg or more for up to 1 hour after smoking. Smoking in the day when your blood pressure remains consistently high through the grouping May
They should hand smoke also avoid. inhaling smoke from other also provides you with the risk of health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease. 7th Reduce caffeine
Caffeine has the role of blood pressure is still controversial. Drinking caffeinated beverages may temporarily to an increase in blood pressure, it is unclear whether the intended effect of temporary or long lasting.
To determine if caffeine raises blood pressure, control your blood pressure less than 30 minutes to get a cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverages drink drink regularly If your blood pressure rise from five to 10 points, you may be sensitive increase in pressure of blood, the effects of caffeine Regardless of their sensitivity to the effects of caffeine, doctors recommend drinking no more than 200 milligrams per day. - . the amount in two cups of coffee8 Reduce Stress
stress or anxiety can temporarily increase blood pressure. Take some time to reflect on what makes you to feel stressed out, thinking like work, family, finances or illness. Once you know what the cause may think of stress, eliminate how to or reduce stress.
If you remove you can not all stress factors, at least I can deal with them in a healthier way. Take breaks for breathing exercises. Getting a massage or yoga or meditation. If the self test does not work, seek a professional for advice. 9 Controlling your blood pressure at home and do regular medical appointments
If you have high blood pressure, it may be necessary to control their blood pressure at home. Learning have to control yourself your blood pressure at the upper arm helps in monitoring the Year motivate Canadian. crosstalk you have with your doctor before home monitoring. are
Regular visits to the doctor probably aussi part of our normal routine. We will monitor visits help thesis on blood pressure. with a GP. Those who are not family physician more difficult to control your blood pressure. If you can, visit the Sami organizations or professional health care for all your needs médica.Visite your doctor regularly. If your blood pressure well controlled, or have other health problems, you need to visit any doctor to check every month and adjust your treatment. If your blood pressure is under control, you may need to contact their physician visit only once every six to 12 months, depending on other conditions , you might have. 10th Get support from family and friends
You can help support family and friends to improve your health. Theys can self-care, driving to the doctor or in an exercise program years to promote ship with you about your blood pressure low. Talk to find with your family and friends about the dangers of high blood pressure.